Welcome to the future !Forest-based sector research is now moving into its most exciting and most important period ever.The Vision Document of the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) was launched on 15 February, 2005. It makes the prediction that the sector will be a key contributor to a sustainable European society by 2030. In a new, bio-based and customer-driven European economy, the sector will make significant contributions to European society by fostering an extended use of renewable forest resources. For this to come true, research will play a vital role. In order to realize the vision, stakeholders in the forest-based sector have joined forces under the umbrella of a Technology Platform and intensive work is progressing during 2005 to develop a Strategic Research Agenda. This agenda will be presented and discussed at this research forum. The European Commission will provide important opportunities for implementing the Strategic Research Agenda of the sector, through its Framework Programmes for Research. This research forum will provide latest information on such opportunities. We cordially invite you to participate.
Updated July 15. 2005 by