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The European Forest-based Sector Research Forum 2005

November 9-10, Stockholm, Sweden
HOME Welcome Programme Organizers Posters Sidemeetings PressRoom

The European Forest-based Sector Research Forum has been successfully concluded. At least until the second quarter of 2006, this web site will contain most of the original information- and the forum documentation.

 To read the documentation from the speaker presentations- please select "Programme" in the menu above. All speaker documentation is linked to the respective title in the conference programme.

 To view (most of) the posters presented at the Forum- please select &quotPosters&quot in the menu above.

 In the new PressRoom, you will find links to other documentation from the conference, including links to the forum photo album.

 On the old "Welcome Page" you can read the original invitation text.

 Some links to the initiators have been collected on this Links page.

Questions regarding the forum can be made by e-mail to Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. or by telephone to +46 8 676 7138 (Åke Hansson) or +46 8 676 7327 (Lennart Eriksson)

The European Forest-based Sector Research Forum 2005

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Updated November 30. 2005 by Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

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